
Ricardo Rei, Luís Lima and Joana Ferreira

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"(...) all, without exception, say that this was an incredibly positive step. The group is also growing in numbers and will soon have a dimension that we would have hardly imagined if it were not for INESC Porto.", António Paulo Moreira

Free Nonsense

"In this Unit, we can always hear, simultaneously, conversations in a pretty strange dialect that sounds like Russian! Expressions like “Dobro jutro” and “Kako si” are regularly heard", Bernardo Silva

Gallery of the Uncommon

Know how you can get project contracts, even when you’re kicked out of the meeting. That’s what happened to one of our researchers...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


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A year of robotics IN INESC Porto

*By António Paulo Moreira

Exactly a year ago, our group of robotics joined INESC Porto and we became known as ROBIS – Robotics and Intelligent Systems Group. For me it was like coming home after an interruption of several years, even tough for most of us it was something new and expectations were high. I found a more organized, efficient and dynamic INESC Porto.

Other than the warm and pleasant welcome, which positively surprised everyone, the amount of help that we received from the different sectors and members in the search for partners, in the elaboration of proposals and approved projects was outstanding. The dissemination of information is constant and it is quite easy for us to collaborate with different units. On the other hand, the access to a vast contact network was immediate. We feel that everyone’s pulling for the same side, leaving unnecessary rivalries or vanities aside.

The group’s activity suffered an incredible boost, not only in the amount of projects, but also in their quality. The extremely professional organization of the people that work with us in the project elaboration and follow-up is a highly important asset and a positive surprise.

The incentives for the publication in scientific journals and for the production of science of excellence are constant. It is some sort of pressure that most of us should have had a long time ago for good habits to become common and so that this culture becomes broader.

I feel that the group has become more self-confident and motivated, and all, without exception, say that this was an incredibly positive step, not only in terms of the group, but also individually. The group is also growing in numbers and will soon have a dimension that we would have hardly imagined if it were not for INESC Porto.

There aren’t many negative aspects. I already mentioned them to the Board and I was pleased to understand that the Board was opened to my comments. I believe that soon these less positive aspects will be overcome. Firstly, they have to do with the fact that group has a strong hardware component (electronic and mechanical) development, which requires the acquisition of a high number of components and parts, something that is not common in other groups.

In conclusion, it was really worth it and we hope that in the future we can give something back so that INESC Porto continues to distinguish itself for its excellence.

 *Coordinator of the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Group (ROBIS)