
Ricardo Rei, Luís Lima and Joana Ferreira

Have your say

"(...) all, without exception, say that this was an incredibly positive step. The group is also growing in numbers and will soon have a dimension that we would have hardly imagined if it were not for INESC Porto.", António Paulo Moreira

Free Nonsense

"In this Unit, we can always hear, simultaneously, conversations in a pretty strange dialect that sounds like Russian! Expressions like “Dobro jutro” and “Kako si” are regularly heard", Bernardo Silva

Gallery of the Uncommon

Know how you can get project contracts, even when you’re kicked out of the meeting. That’s what happened to one of our researchers...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


UTM participates in project for the distribution of audiovisual contents

The Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) is participating in the project ImTV - OnDemand Immersive-TV for Communities of Media Producers and Consumers, recently approved by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the UT Austin|Portugal programme.

The aim with this project is to develop research work that will define new models for the distribution and legal consumption of television and audiovisual contents. The two main expected results are: a solid set of statistics on the consumption of audiovisual contents in Portugal, and tools that will enable a transparent interaction between the public, contents and producers. The results will be validated through the analysis of the impact of that the proposed solutions will have on the media market, through the evaluation of the recommendation algorithms in international scientific forums, as well as through the evaluation of user satisfaction.

The two-year project is coordinated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FFCT/FCT/UNL), and, other than INESC Porto, it includes five other partners - Cooperativa de Profissionais de Imagem CRL (Duvideo), Foundation for National Scientific Computation (FCCN), Portuguese Radio and Television, SA (RTP), University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) and ZON MULTIMÉDIA – Telecommunications and Multimedia Services, SGPS, S.A. (ZON). The project has a 225 thousand Euro budget and will start in September this year.